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Our Misson

A human resources management and development firm established in 1991. The mission of this company is to help organizations focus on its customers, its effectiveness and its empowerment by providing training in team building, company or department wide seminars, one-on-one coaching, and special events speaking engagements.


Our Clients

This firm works closely with the client to determine and address specific needs.  We have provided training and coaching to fit the needs of organizations such as Mercedes Benz USI,  American Cast Iron Pipe Company,  The Southern Company, UAB Health System, and The University of Alabama.  Services have been provided for many other well-known firms throughout the United States and internationally. 


Course Information, Scheduling, and Rates

Mary Anne Parks Antonio



205.663.5042 or 205.991.8626

(FAX 205.991.8629)

Postal address

5000 Longleaf Lane, Birmingham, AL 35242-3452

General Information: SWLOVOY@LTWINC.COM 

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What's New

Are you frustrated with the lack of civility in our society? Are you feeling alienated from friends and family due to politics? Here's the answer! As the Lead Facilitator, for the Civility Leadership Institute, I have witnessed major transformations within families, communities and organizations as a result of participation in this process.  Applications are now open!

© 2017 Lovoy's Team Works, Inc

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