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Conflict Resolution






  •  Conflict Resolution: Direct Intervention with teams, groups, or individuals experiencing conflict

  •  360o feedback process to address issues in a safe environment with a feedback instrument designed around the team issues




  •  Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High ™ by VitalSmarts™ 

  •  Crucial Accountability™ by VitalSmarts ™

  •  Mediation: The Swiss Army Knife of Conflict Resolution


    Team Building (see specific "Team Building" on this web site) 

      •  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®and its Application  

      •  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Phase II: Application to Teams 

      •  Creating and Maintaining Healthy Teams




Conflict Resolution: Direct Intervention


The warning signs that an organization or team has reached a crisis stage include individuals refusing to handle their fair share of the work, chronic grievances, long term grudges, harassment claims, or lawsuits.  These problems will not just go away. The reality is that continuous conflict can lead to irreparable damage and a toxic environment without intervention.



Direct Intervention:   


  •  Provides on-site mediation with individuals, teams, or departments that will resolve the immediate problems and design a system to handle future problems.

  •  Focus meetings with all parties involved will be required.

  •  Solutions will be designed based on the outcome of the meetings. Examples:  

      •  A facilitated 360° feedback process with a survey tailored to the group's issues.  The participants are able to give clear feedback in a non-threatening manner.  Each participant scores his/her results and compares them to a self assessment to see the gaps.  Each individual is then responsible for designing a plan to close the gap and making a commitment to the team to improve identified issues

      •  Guided sessions in which the participants dialogue about the tough issues in a safe environment and solutions are designed by the group.



Conflict Resolution: Classroom Training


Sharon W. Lovoy,  Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc.,  offers different seminars to teach critical conflict resolution skills.

  •  Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High ™ by VitalSmarts ™

  •  Crucial Accountability™ by VitalSmarts ™

  •  Mediation: The Swiss Army Knife of Conflict Resolution


Crucial Conversations:

Tools for Talking When Stakes are High™ by VitalSmarts ™


Sharon Lovoy is a Master Trainer for this course, based on the best-selling book by the same name, focuses on eliminating obstacles in the workplace that make it difficult to tell the truth, ridding the workplace of fear, blame, and secrecy.  Practical steps to restore trust are included. 


Participants will receive training to:


  •   Getting Unstuck: How to Spot the Conversations That Are Keeping You from What You Want

  •   Determine what is Dialogue and how to work on self first

  •   Spot the top six safety killers

  •   Increase candor and decrease defensiveness

  •   Master emotions, thoughts, or reactions that destroy dialogue

  •   Speak persuasively, not abrasively

  •   Power up listening

  •   Make decisions and establishing accountability

 Course Requirements:


  •  Length of Course: 16 hours.  Course can be broken up into modules depending on the needs of the client. Two eight-hour days tends to give the best results.

  •  Materials: Purchased by Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc. and billed to the client.  One package per participant is required.  Materials are reasonably priced.  Please contact us for current cost.

  •  Equipment: LCD projector with speakers are required for the class.  Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc. will furnish the computer to be connected to the equipment.  Equipment must be albe to support high resolution and sophisticated application.  Older LCD projectors will not be able to handle the software requirements.  Also, a flipchart stand and pad are required.

  •  Room Set Up: There is a specific set up for this training which allows participants to get maximum results.  There needs to be a main area set up with tables and chairs.    Please click on the "Set Up" Button located on the side menu for a copy of the Room diagram.

*LTWINC is an authorized and licensed affliate of VitalSmarts, L.C



The list of clients who are training their employees and managers in "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High™ just keeps growing:  


  •  ACIPCO (Made Fortune Magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" nine years in a row! 

  •  ADTRAN, Inc.: Has made a standard part of the curriculum for all their managers and supervisors.  This is one of the most profitable companies in the state of Alabama

  •  Alabama Department of Finance

  •  Alacare Home Health and Hospice:  All managers have been trained. This is the largest home health care company in Alabama!

  •  AQAF:  All employees and managers completed training! This organization has received a Quality award for excellence

  •  Birmingham Airport Authority

  •  Capstone Group, University of Alabama:  Sharon presented along with her strategic business partner, Jim Rowell, training in Crucial Conversations to several elite companies in the State of Alabama 

  •  City of Foley:  all managers

  •  Cooperative Home Care

  •  Department of Rehabilitation 

  •  Harley Davidson  

  •  Health Magazine 

  •  Hunt Refining 

  •  McKee Foods (Little Debbie): included this training as part of the curriculum for their management training group.

  •  Office of the License Commissioner, Tuscaloosa County

  •  Southern Progress: All managers are required to take this class. Open enrollment sessions are offered to all employees.

  •  Synovus and T-Sys

  •  Traxis: Three major corporations who have merged into an organization that is highly profitable.


    UAB Hospital Systems:  Now a standard part of their managers' boot camp! 

  •  Westervelt Corporation: Formerly Gulf States Paper Corporation.  The plant in which all employees were trained went from last in productivity to number one in the corporation!



Client endorsement:


I really appreciate receiving these Crucial Skills instructions – I refer back to them as often as I have similar situations. They are very beneficial! Thanks so much- Barbara Beck, ADTRAN, Inc. Customer Care Center Supervisor



Crucial Accountability™ by VitalSmarts ™


Behind the problems that routinely plague organizations and families, you’ll find individuals who are either unwilling or unable to deal with failed promises. Others have broken rules, missed deadlines, failed to live up to commitments, or just plain behaved badly—and nobody steps up to the issue. Or they do, but do a lousy job and create a whole new set of problems. Accountability suffers and new problems spring up. New research demonstrates that these disappointments aren’t just irritating; they’re costly—sapping organizational performance by 20-50% and accounting for up to 90% of divorces.


Crucial Accountability teaches skills drawn from 10,000 hours of real-life observations to increase confidence in facing issues like:


  •  An employee speaks to you in an insulting tone that steps crosses the line between sarcasm and insubordination. Now what?  

  •  Your boss just committed you to a deadline you know you can’t meet—and not-so-subtly hinted he doesn’t want to hear complaints about it.

  •  Your son walks through the door sporting colorful new body art that raises your blood pressure by forty points. Speak now, pay later.

  •  An accountant wonders how to step up to a client who is violating the law. Can you spell unemployment? 

  •  Family members fret over how to tell granddad that he should no longer drive his car. This is going to get ugly.

  •  A nurse worries about what to say to an abusive physician. She quickly remembers “how things work around here” and decides not to say anything. 


Everyone knows how to run for cover, or if adequately provoked, step up to these confrontations in a way that causes a real ruckus. That we have down pat. Sharon Lovoy, a certified instructor in Crucial Accountability, teaches you how to deal with violated expectations in a way that solves the problem at hand, and doesn’t harm the relationship—and in fact, even strengthens it.


Participants will receive training to:


  •  Determine what is a Crucial Accountability conversation?

  •  Get unstuck and identify the gaps between expectations and actual performance

  •  How to stay focused on what you really want

  •  How to prepare to set up a Crucial Accountability conversation.

  •  How to describe the gap

  •  How to make it safe to talk about (almost) anything 

  •  Diagnose what caused the gap

  •  How to make easy to keep commitments

  •  How to help others to want to take action. 

  •  How to make keeping commitments (almost!) painless.

  •  How to turn accountability conversations into action and results


Course Requirements:

  •  Length of Course: 16 hours.  Course can be broken up into modules depending on the needs of the client. Two eight-hour days tend to give the best results.

  •  Materials: Purchased by Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc. and billed to the client.  One package per participant is required.  Materials are reasonably priced and are high value.  Please contact us for current cost.

  •  Equipment: LCD projector with speakers are required for the class.  Lovoy’s Team Works, Inc. will furnish the computer to be connected to the equipment.  Equipment must be albe to support high resolution and sophisticated application.  Older LCD projectors will not be able to handle the software requirements. Also, a flipchart stand and pad are required.

*LTWINC is an authorized and licensed affiliate of VitalSmarts, LLC


Mediation: The Swiss Army Knife of Conflict Resolution:

Tools for Your Toolbox

The primary goal of conflict resolution is to improve company performance and increase employee and customer satisfaction. Conflict in and of itself is not a bad thing.  Conflict is a normal aspect of human relations resulting from unrecognized personality differences and everyday differences of opinion. If there is no conflict, in other words settling for the “way it has always been,” creativity and problem solving skills suffer.  Lack of conflict can be just as harmful to an organization than too much.

An organization’s response to conflict is where the problems begin.  If managers approach conflicts as opportunities to produce positive results, the conflict serves it purpose.  Policy and performance decisions should never be made just to avoid conflict.
The reality is that continuous conflict can lead to irreparable damage, and entire days of productivity are lost, performance suffers and deadlines are missed.  This module is designed to help participants learn to actively resolve chronic conflicts.
Participants will receive useful tools to resolve problems within the team, with customers and management.  Additionally, they will be given an easy to follow process that will lead to practical solutions which will have the buy-in of everyone involved.
Sharon W. Lovoy, SPHR, is a Certified Mediator through, Harvard Law School Program of Instruction for Lawyers, Boston, Massachusetts; CDR, Boulder, Colorado; and Mediation Training International, Orlando, Florida.

Participants will receive training to:

•    Acknowledge that awareness, accountability and actions are the keys to changing behavior.
•    Recognize the difference between a group of individuals and a team.
•    Identify stages that groups go through in order to become productive work teams.
•    Determine what language and actions promote "victimhood."
•    Identify what types of actions can be devastating to team trust.
•    Establish what actions should be taken that promote intolerance for unhealthy team behavior.
•    Recognize the difference between a group of individuals and a team.
•    Add practical tools such as listening, translating, and problem resolution to their toolbox to enable them to resolve immediate problems and lay the groundwork for healthy interactions in the future.
•    Identify key questions to ask to facilitate conflict resolution.
•    Follow a blue print for resolving conflicts.

This course designed by Lovoy's Team Works, Inc., is highly interactive and is designed for both management and team members. This is one of the most requested classes from clients.


Course Requirements:

  • Length of Course: 4 TO 7 HOURS (Content will vary according to length). Seven hours is preferred.   Course can be broken up into modules depending on the needs of the client.

  • Materials: A master copy for photocopying for each participant will be furnished to the client.

  • Equipment: LCD projector, markers, flipchart pad, and stand are required for the class.   

© 2017 Lovoy's Team Works, Inc

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