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Team Building Training


Classroom Training


Team Building and Type in Organizations

Using TYPE to Increase Influence and the Ability to Communicate with Others





Pre-Session work:

Participants will complete

the Type Verifier on-line


The TypeCoach Verifier is the next evolution in Personality Type. In less than 25 minutes, it is now possible to:

  • Become knowledgeable about the four key aspects of Personality Type by engaging video animations.

  • Make an informed decision about your own Type preferences.

  • Complete an interactive multi-step process to ensure you have found your true, best-fit type.

  • Receive an 8-page report.

  • Have life-time access to the TypeCoach portal.



PART TWO: 6.0 hours


Problem: Almost all work is teamwork but the team can easily become unworkable when the group becomes unbalanced. Knowing how personality type fits into the group process can be enormously useful.


Solution - Team members will learn how to:


  • Communicate expectations.

  • Predict potential team tensions.

  • Facilitate listening to others.

  • Impact group problem solving.

  • Pinpoint preferred work environments.

  • Assess their own work style.

  • Utilize their strengths and the strengths of others.


  • Identify how to make differences result in better decisions and action plans versus unproductive conflict.


CEUS: Has qualified for CEUs for various professions



Team Building Session using the Type Verifier


This session lets the participant, in a highly interactive fashion, experience the ways in which people are different in how they interact with others, take in information, make decisions with that information, and organize their work.


This information will be used to evaluate:

  • the impact these differences have on a team

  • why the team needs each other's strengths

  • how to capitalize on their different strengths.


This is also an excellent workshop to prepare leaders, managers and employees to deal with the increased diversity, including generational diversity, in the workplace.


Best-in-Class organizations are leaving less to chance by using assessments to help them ensure that both new and longer-term employees are given the right roles, developed in the right way and prepared for leadership challenges as effectively and efficiently as possible. Type tools are used across the globe to improve individual and team performance, retain top talent, develop leadership at every level of an organization and reduce workplace conflict.



TOTAL Length: 6.5 Hours    

COST:  Fee $1950.00

Type Coach on-line verifier:  $110.00 per person



Advanced Type: Building Influence Capacity and Resilience






Participants will be given the skills to:


  • Apply knowledge about type to everyday workplace situations.


  • Examine comparisons of team members to one another, in terms of management style, attitude, skills, blind spots and pitfalls and use their type knowledge as a tool to help a team function more effectively.


  • Evaluate how the dominant and least preferred aspects of each individual on the team influences the team, positively and negatively.


  • Identify strengths and blind spots of the team and how the team can compensate for the blind spots.


Study the impact of stress and how it brings out the least preferred parts of personalities and how team members can help each other cope with stress



This module takes the concepts explored in the Type and Organizations class and applies them to the team.  This includes information about how individuals, of each type, typically lead, influence others and contribute to a team.  How each person can maximize team effectiveness, will be studied.


Phase II helps individuals understand how their Type results relate to their contributions to a team and explore in-depth the six core issues:



Problem Solving

Team Culture            

Conflict Resolution


 Stress Management


Participants will receive: 


Introduction to Type and Teams The booklet includes information on how individuals can maximize team effectiveness.


In the Grip Understanding Type, Stress, and the Inferior Function explores the effects of chronic stress on personality.  This booklet focuses on workplace issues and the effects of long-term stress on employees at all levels, within an organization, based on research and the reported experiences of a stratified national sample of working adults.


Side by Side An in-depth analysis of the team members personality and working style compared to two others, they interact with on a regular basis.



Type and Stress Management: Building Resilience


Problem: Deep breathing doesn’t work. Journaling is minimally helpful. Meditating or a good night’s rest is practically impossible because of the stressful thoughts crowding your mind. You’ve tried exercising but you can’t outrun the anxiety. In short, you are stressed.


Solution: No one is suggesting these stress relievers are not good ideas but are they good enough? The reality is each personality handles stress differently with a wide variety of stress reactions. Tailored strategies help us and help us to support others work through serious stress that is threatening everyone’s mental and physical health on a day in day out basis.


Sharon Lovoy will conduct a highly interactive session using your TypeCoach® results:


  • To identify the impact of stress on yourself and others and replace judgment with a culture of grace and space.


  • To build strategies for helping yourself and others recover from stress and build resiliency.


  • To recognize the differences between you and others and identify how to make those differences result in better ways of supporting one another.


  • As a framework for positively influencing others.


  • As a tool for better identification of the gifts and strengths of yourself and others.


Sharon Lovoy, is a Master Coach in the Type community.





Tools to build the essential capacity of the team to trust one another



Problem: Teams that engage in unhealthy behavior and have damaged relationships always have little or no trust. Morale takes a hit and there’s a sense that it is never going to get better.


Solution: Trust and connection are critical to building a culture where team members respect one another and are committed to performing excellent work together.


Sharon Lovoy, a former HR director and certified coach, has just completed a book describing her own failures at trying to be a good team member. She describes her journey from failure to success as she built a dream team that was the envy of the rest of the organization. Sharon knows how to build a transformative experience for individuals and cohorts to challenge team members and leaders, to connect and collaborate.



Building a culture of trust includes:


Work on me, first. Being self-aware means managing the stories and judgments in our heads and being conscious of our impact on others.


Work on us, second. A strong culture promotes collaboration with a foundation of trust and ensures the ability to build and maintain social capital. 


Included in this session will be a study of organizations that fiercely protect their healthy culture from internal threats (the team’s behavior) and external threats (unhealthy behaviors from other parts of the organization). Participants will examine success stories and create a game plan for incorporating these ideas into their team mission.


CEUs: Has qualified for CEUs for similar industries.



© 2017 Lovoy's Team Works, Inc

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